
學程特色 /Features

About the Program

“Translational medicine”, combining sciences, engineering and medical research to promote enhancements in clinical prevention, diagnosis, and therapies, has been emerging as one of the most vigorous research fields that bridges the transition from "benchtop" to "bedside". National United University (NUU) and National Health Research Institute (NHRI) in Taiwan have initiated a NUU/NHRI Joint Program of “Translation Medicine”. This collaborative master program offers a multidisciplinary curriculum, developed and supported by faculties and professionals across a wide spectrum of expertise from both NUU and NHRI. Students commence this program will take courses on both NUU and NHRI campus,and perform their research mainly in NHRI. The research topics comprised in this program include but are not limited to:

  • Biomaterials and bioengineering 生醫材料發展

  • Intelligent therapy and home healthcare 智慧醫療與居家環境建構技術

  • Development of medical equipment and rehabilitation aids 醫療器械與復健輔具發展

  • Physiological signal processing 生理醫學訊號處理技術

  • Molecular environmental health science 分子環境醫學


We can provide a perfect environment for students with laboratory equipment, apparatus in the cooperation organizations. Students can also discuss and learn with the outstanding research faculty to improve their interests of “Translational Medicine”. The achievements of their study in basic life science research could use in the clinical application.




  1. 培養工程技術與生物醫學技能。
  2. 培養跨領域之執行及整合能力。
  3. 培養溝通協調及獨立研究能力。
  4. 培養跨國際關及國際研究視野。
  5. 培養專業倫理與持續學習能力。


  1. 具備生物醫學與工程的相關知識。
  2. 具備專業論文及計畫撰寫之能力。
  3. 具備設計、執行與結果分析能力。
  4. 具備計劃管理及獨立思考之能力。
  5. 良好國際觀與終身自我學習能力。
  6. 具備跨領域工作及統合管理能力。